Where to Find Tomato Basket in Fortnite



Holiday fun continues, new quests are there for Fortnite players and after Maple Syrup Bucket, here's another task that makes everyone run around and across the map. Players searching for Tomato Basket to be able to interact and grab 20000 XP. If you weren't lucky yet in your search, or you plan to get on that task, then this might help. 

To get the chance and interact with the tomato basket, land near a barn on a farmhouse marked on a Fortnite mini map. 

Once there, rush into the barn, where on the way you can easily pick up enough weapons and ammo, and once you reach the top, the north side of that barn would be the Tomato Basket. Then just Interact to finish your Quest and get 20000 XP. Important is to get there early, so from the bus just rush down in front of the barn to avoid getting shot by other players who are waiting for everyone who hasn't yet finished that task. 

Happy Holidays!


Creator code SUKIBLUES. Watch my live streams here 
