SIK - Space Invader Kreature



October is cold, warming up is important, therefore my choice for the end of this day went to SIK - Space Invader Kreature, a multiplayer shooter with hordes of invaders to eliminate. This game is still in early access and you can get involved as the game develops to give feedback about game mechanics and aspects of the game that you would like to see different. Sounds interesting? Ok, and there's more.

Playing this game you will rush through the Wayans, make a plan with your friends, develop strategy, unlock paths, and using different weapons to defeat enemies. Points earned can be used to upgrade weapons and powers. You will certainly need all the powers and arms you can get because enemies get stronger and faster the moment you start eliminating them. On your path to victory will show up Alux, the most dangerous of all alien invaders, and to eliminate this form you will need higher-tier weapons.

SIK - Space Invader Kreature  can be purchased here.
