Causa, Voices of the Dusk a Collectible Card Game



Autumn is almost here, though temperature resembling summer, and very soon time spent inside will increase. That doesn't bother us at all because we are what? Gamers! More time inside means more gaming. Therefore today presenting here another amusing game, something different, for those who like card games. Who doesn't? Especially when those are also free. Yes, you read well. This game is free. Are you ready? Ok then, let's begin.

Causa, Voices of the Dusk, the first project of Niebla Games, is a collectible card game where your decisions matter, and depending on your choices, the entire course of the game changes. Battle other players, prove your skills and grind your path to victory. 

Causa, Voices of the Dusk brings unique strategic options, cross-platform play, rich story, single-player, and multiplayer, Ranked mode. There's a Battle Pass system and additional content for the game. If you decide to go for additional content for this game, promo code SUZANA saves you 20% while purchasing through the official site.
