Where to Find Gnomes in Fort Crumpet, Pleasant Park and Holly Hedges


New quests heading your way in this Fortnite Season 5 and two latest quests are related to Gnomes. That will be the task in two separate quests. First quest requires searching both Fort Crumpet and Pleasant Park, two Gnomes in each location. Gnomes are hidden in piles of dirt. For the second quest you need to search Fort Crumpet again and Holly Hedges, where Gnomes are simply hidden, no dirt to dig for that quest. 

On this map you can see exact locations to land and find Gnomes in Fort Crumpet and Pleasant Park.

Once there look around and search for pile of dirt just as on this screenshot. Then use your pickaxe and hit that dirt to dig out hidden Gnome. 

Second map shows where to land and search in Fort Crumpet and Holly Hedges.

In this case just look around, Gnomes would be there in their natural size. 

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